Division of Clinical Immunology - About Us
The Department of internal medicine III. started its operation in 1975 under the leadership of Gyula Szegedi. The Department of Internal Medicine III., which was the predecessor of internal medicine department, started its work in 1975, following the initiative of Gyula Petrányi, as part of the pulmonary clinic founded by Auguszta archduchess, opened in 1914.
In 1982 it was a separate clinic.
Under the control of Gyula Szegedi started the healing activity of the institute on 100 beds, alleviating the patient care and education burden on the existing two dentistry clinics. A well-functioning intensive care unit was established despite the initial difficulties, and after the institute became independent, finally a gastroenterological endoscopic laboratory started to operate.
As the Clinical Immunology became the main profile of the Clinic, an immunologic laboratory was needed (which now performs national tasks as a Regional Immunological Laboratory) and the dynamically expanding outpatient turnover led to the establishment of specialist clinics.
Clinical immunology, rheumatology, hematology, cardiology, angiology and gastroenterology have increasingly defined the profile of the Clinic within internal medicine.
The new part of the building was transferred to a qualitative change in the life of the institute in 1997, then an outpatient specialist bulit in 2005.
As a result of the change in the university structure, the three institutes of internal medicine became one Department of internal medicine, and the department of Clinical Immunology, Geriatrics and Internal Medicine was established at the Clinic of Internal Medicine No. III. In 2008, the Department of Rheumatology was elected as a separate department.
Updated: 2019.05.20.