Division of Geriatrics - History

The establishment of the Department of Geriatrics was established in 2001 by the DE OEC Institute of Internal Medicine and the non-autonomous departments established for the three Department of Internal Medicine. The OEP accepted the department with 20 beds in accordance with the minimum conditions. According to the "scope" of the department, over the past period, 2-3 department heads and 2-3 resident specialists have practised clinical work.

After the establishment of the department, they sought to develop the polimorbid elderly patients in the profile of the department, in addition to the regional care, to approach the internationally accepted norms. This department did not have the "predecessor" of the former DOTE, then DE OEC, and therefore it started completely new fundamentals. The development of geriatrics into independent science has been triggered by the fact that elderly people require special care because their physiology, pathophysiology, appearance and number of illnesses, occupation and care of the elderly differ significantly from classical internal medicine, psychology, traumatology, rheumatology, etc. known methods. There are syndromes: dementia, incontinentia, decubitus, characterized by age. Therefore, the elderly needs to be improved. Developments in recent years include a significant increase in the number of antidecubital mattresses, decubitus prevention and treatment development. Observing the frequent cardiac problems of the elderly, and taking the monitor with a defibrillator to perform a life-saving intervention if necessary. In order to monitor the ambulatory and hospitality of the arrhythmia, the department has purchased a Holter monitor, which reduces the long waiting time due to the device requirements.

An important part of the work of those working in the department is the standard geriatric health checklist launched in 2005. So far, more than 100 patients have been undergoing a complex survey. In Hungary, aiming at achieving a regionally representative sample, targeting 500 patients. Similar surveys have not yet been carried out and hopefully they will have the chance to draw closer conclusions. Patient order with our professional activity is complemented. So far, the caretakers of the retirement homes have visited the clinics, which I would like to make more widespread.

Geriatrics is a relatively young but dynamically developing theoretical and clinical science. We are working with our colleagues to take advantage of the conventions held in the country for learning and experience, where we have participated not only as participants but as performers. We also went to the European Geriatric Congress in Vienna twice. On October 28-29, 2005 at the invitation of the Hungarian Gerontology Society, we organized the XXVIII. Congress. The main topic of this is the borderline of health and social care in geriatrics. The main topic of this is the borderline of health and social care in geriatrics.

Since 2010, we have been organizing a Geriatric Training Day in Gyula and Debrecen with the Chronic Obstetrics and Geriatrics Department of Gyula Pándy Hospital, Dr. Zékány Zita Principal, University of Debrecen Geriatrics Department. In those years when the Geriatric sections on Debrecen Medical Exercises are included, we consider this to be the Debrecen Training Day.

From our original goals, we have been able to realize retrospectively the polymorphisms of the elderly in the five years old material of the Department of Internal Medicine C. We have studied the so-called "routine" lab results of hundreds of elderly patients, which, when compared to the patient's diagnoses and the accepted normal values, often have special relationships. We have presented the benefits of the standard health assessment to objectively justify and justify the importance of the presence of the Department of Geriatrics in assisting diathesis, psychiatry and social work.

Updated: 2019.06.27.