Division of Geriatrics - About us

The function of the non-autonomous department of the internal geriatric department in addition to provide the provision of polimorbid elderly patients with the profile of the department closer to the internationally accepted norms. Older people require special care because their physiology, pathophysiology, appearance and number of illnesses, the occupation and care of the elderly differ significantly from classical medicine, psychology, traumatology, rheumatology, etc. known methods. There are syndromes: dementia, incontinentia, decubitus, etc. which are characteristic of the old age. Developments in recent years include a significant increase in the number of antidecubital mattresses, decubitus prevention and treatment development. Detection of frequent cardiac problems for the elderly, and a monitor purchase with a defibrillator to perform life-saving intervention if necessary. In order to monitor the ambulatory and hospitality of the arrhythmia, the department has purchased a Holter monitor, which reduces the long waiting time due to the device requirements.

Updated: 2019.06.27.